
Dangerous Beauty : LeAventure

Lea Hernandez makes a blog just in case LiveJournal really bites it.


Today is tax day. I turned may taxes in about two weeks ago. This is the first time in eight years I had my numbers done before April 15.

My tax guy, Duncan Sandiland, called this an abberation. I told him to screw himself.

I love Duncan--he's a smartass, but he's BRILLIANT. Nobody loves tax time, but there's no reason for it to be anything more than a minor pain instead of excrutiating.

If you're a comics pro of any sort, and taxes give you a rash (probably do especially if you're a freelancer), Duncan's been doing taxes for comics pros, retailers, packagers for 10 years. He's good, he can e-file, he's worth every penny.

If it's today, you're a comics person, your taxes aren't done, and you're ready to change your name and run, file an extension quick, then give the man a call:

Duncan Sandiland (925) 706-1040 (He's in Concord, CA)

or email

Tell him Lea Hernandez sent ya.


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