
Dangerous Beauty : LeAventure

Lea Hernandez makes a blog just in case LiveJournal really bites it.


Monday, March 11th is my birthday. I love my birthday. Two lines, just like my sign, Pisces.

This time last year, I had no publisher for the reprints of CC and CA (sorry, publisher, sorry), was 55 pounds heavier, my son's diagnosis was guarded and no proof of his IQ, my daughter slogging through second grade, no additional thanks to a horrifically bitchy volunteer coordinator at her school. I had my friends at First UU Church and things to do there that helped me feel useful and needed.

This time last year, I was blessed to not know how much worse things were going to get (thank goodness I didn't know how severely I was going to get fucked over), and no knowledge of how much better (but I worked and worked for it, said prayers, cast sigils, hiked a lot), either. But I hoped!

This year, my son's IQ has tested as normal. (He's a high functioning autistic, adorable as fuck all.) My daughter is an honor roll student who just won two dollars at a party taking a bet on climbing a Velcro wall.

I have a really exciting new gig at, which has gotten 700 members in a week. 700 people paid for something that doubters said wouldn't work! I'm a part of history!

I have a new publisher for my beloved OGN's Cathedral Child and Clockwork and the newest one, Ironclad Petal.

A friend said to me today her wish was for me to realize how wonderful I am. I want THAT for my birthday.

Made it to another one, in spite of the bees and the cliff the ratfucking by several publishers, the ratfucking by--well, who gives a shit who they were?! Made it with the love and affection of Gail, Lisa, Carla, the GYRLS at APE, the RE Council and members of First UU (who've given me a second home), my third graders on Sunday, Joey Manley asking me to be at, my wonderful husband and beautiful brilliant kids! YAY THEM! YAY ME!

My birthday love to each and every one of you!



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