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Dangerous Beauty : LeAventure
Lea Hernandez makes a blog just in case LiveJournal really bites it.
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I was asked for advice on making comics by my co-creator on KILLER RPICESSES, Gail Simone, and to post it at her forum here: http://www.comicbookresources.com/community/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=196442#post196442
I liked what I wrote so much, I'm posting it here, too.
And in your comics reading, EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE try something you don't usually read.
Your mind needs exercise. Reading nothing but comics, most of which are crap recycled from stuff that may or may not have been good to begin with, is the figurative equivalent of your brain sitting around on its ass eating cheesy poofs.
Which is not to say I disapprove of comics as reading material. Not at all. But you NEED to put other things in your head. Only a nitwit or someone with pica would eat only a diet of ice cubes and peanut butter. Feed your brain all sorts of reading material: you never know when something will spark an idea or inspiration!
Oh yeah: be a people-watcher. People are very entertaining, and the whole damn world of people is out there for free for you to observe and write about.
Be aware of grace and everyday fun and miracles: a cupcake from someone at work. Two candy bars from the vending machine. A spontaneous discount from a store clerk who applauded your fortitude in bringing two kids into the fabric store. The deli guy who gives you a whole sandwich instead of the half you paid for because you're having a shitty day.
Sing with your car windows down. Dance in parking lots. Learn to laugh your ass off in funny movies. Eat lunch with kids. Grow a sunflower seed. Do what Jim Carrey did and write yourself a check for the money you want to earn (understanding the money won't fix anything broken inside), or write yourself a good contract for your ideal comics job.
Lastly, DO NOT DRONE about the fiddly details of your art and plot and giggle about your characters as if they were real--because they damn well better be alive on the page and in your short pitch or you are skuh-rewed.
DO NOT ever again show me (or anyone else) drawings of your gaming characters, unless you simply say "Here's some character designs." That's ALL you need to say. We don't want to know about your Evercrack quest. I'm am totally sure it was pee your pants great, I KNOW it was because I gamed too, but it's like your blurry vacation snaps: you had to be there. Do not torment people with the comics equivalent of a slide show of Yosemite.
Did I mention you should sing with your car windows open? Why? Because if you're not chicken to do that, you're 1) not such an introvert you'll think anyone wants to hear about your gaming character and 2) if you can give up giving a shit about what total strangers think of you and be glad if you amused them, you can deal with talking to editors. Just remember when the light turns green to fucking go.
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